Enterprise in fundraising, investment and production and operating activities of each link all bear a certain degree of risk. 企业在筹资、投资和生产经营活动各环节中无不承担一定程度的风险。
There are two methods of disclosing cash flows from operating activities: the direct method and the indirect method. 披露经营活动产生的现金流量有两种方法:直接法和间接法。
The disclosure begins with the net income and lists all the adjustments necessary to convert the net income to the net cash flows from operating activities. 其起点是净收益,然后列示所有必要的调整项目,最终将净收益转化为经营活动的现金净流量。
The indirect method starts with net income and reconciles to cash flows from operating activities. 间接法是从净利润开始,把净利润调整为营业活动的现金流量。
Using the information from the balance sheet, the income statement and the selected accounts, we can analyze cash inflows, outflows and net flows of operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. 利用资产负债表、损益表和某些账户提供的信息,我们可以分析经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动产生的现金流入、流出和净流量。
Supermarket chains operating activities in rural areas will be the use of the vast majority of logistics management, logistics management, directly affects the level of supermarket operating margins. 农村连锁超市经营活动的绝大多数环节均会利用物流管理,物流成本的高低直接影响到超市的经营利润。
Using indirect method, we can also calculate the net cash flows from operating activities. 采用间接法,我们也可以计算出经营活动产生的现金流量。
The increase in net cash flows is led to by the large increase in net cash flows from operating activities, and by the certain decrease in net cash flows from investing activities and financing activities. 现金净流量的增长是由经营活动的现金净流量的大幅增长和筹资活动、投资活动的一定程度上的增长所导致的。
More and more enterprise's administrator pay attention on inventory control, which is the important process in enterprise's operating activities. 库存控制作为企业生产经营活动中的重要环节,越来越为企业经营管理者所重视。
In the indirect method, the cash flows from operating activities are disclosed by adjusting the net income. 在间接法下,经营活动的现金流量是通过调整净收益来披露的。
In direct method, the individual cash inflows and outflows from operating activities are shown separately. 在直接法下,经营活动的每一项现金流入和现金流出都单独列示。
In the direct method, the cash flows from operating activities are disclosed by the original cash receipts or payments. 在直接法下,经营活动产生的现金流量是按照现金收入和支付的本来面目披露的。
Cash received relating to other operating activities; 收到其他与经营活动有关的现金;
It reflects a corporation's ability of using net cash flows from operating activities to meet its current maturity of debts. 它反映了公司以营业活动的净现金流量偿还当期债务的能力。
Net cash from operating activities; 来自业务活动的现金净额;
Cash payments for purchases are the basic and important item of cash outflows from operating activities. 购货支付的现金是经营活动产生的现金流出中的一个基本的和重要的项目。
In the statement of cash flows, the disclosure: begins with cash receipts from sales, adds interest and dividends received, and then deducts cash payments for purchases and income taxes, to arrive at net cash flows from operating activities. 在现金流量表中,首先列示的是由于销售而收到的现金,加上收到的利息和股利,然后减去由于购货、所得税所导致的现金支付,最终得出经营活动的净现金流量。
Equals Net cash provided by ( used in) operating activities less Additions to intangible assets and property, plant and equipment. 等同的现金支付为经营活动提供了较少地附加物,无形的资产和财产,厂房和设备。
Although the interests and dividends are associated with investing activities, the FASB and the IASC classify the cash receipts from interests and dividends as cash flows from operating activities. 虽然利息和股利是与投资活动联系在一起的,但是,国际会计准则委员会和财务会计准则委员会都把收到的利息和股利归入经营活动产生的现金流量类中。
In the Operating Activities section of the indirect SCF, why is depreciation expense added back into the cash flow? 在间接法现金流量表的营运活动部分,为什么折旧费用要重新加回现金流中?
These risks include, but are not limited to, our ability to finance expansion plans, share repurchase programs and general operating activities; 这些风险包括(但不限于)我们财务发展计划的能力、股票回购计划及一般经营活动;
The statement is divided into operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. 报表被分为经营活动,投资活动和筹资活动。
Reasons for the difference between net income and net cash flow from operating activities 净收益与经营活动的现金净流量之间出现差异的原因
Customers are ultimate elements in operating activities of all enterprises. 顾客是所有企业经营活动的终极元素,顾客服务已成为企业竞争力的重要部分。
The main influence factors of debt financing are Growth Rate, ROE and Cash flow from operating activities. 经营现金流量与财务杠杆之间呈显著正相关关系。影响我国上市公司债务融资的主要因素依次为企业成长性、ROE和经营现金流。
The economic activity of the human society reflects for the production and operating activities mainly. 人类社会的经济活动主要体现为生产经营活动。
The analysis of business circle is of great significance for business to carry out its production and operating activities. 进行商圈分析在商家开展生产经营活动中具有重要的意义。
The NOSA management system contains the safety management standard of the production and operating activities process of enterprise and staffs. It takes health, safety and environmental as the goal. 以健康、安全、环保为目标的NOSA管理体系覆盖了企业和员工在生产经营活动全过程中的安全管理规范。
With the continuous development of rural commercial bank and expands, the management level also puts forward the new higher requirement, and the cost management level to bank production and operating activities of each level and bank performance has a direct influence. 随着农村商业银行的不断发展和壮大,对其经营管理水平也提出了新的更高的要求,而其中成本管理水平的高低对银行生产经营活动的各个层面和银行绩效有着直接的深远影响。
With the gradual development of the commercial banks in China, the impact of its operating activities is increasing. 随着我国商业银行的逐步发展,其经营活动所带来的影响正在不断增大。